A new Tesla leak shows that the automaker has Model 3 vehicles with 100 kWh battery packs, which would result in over 400 miles of range.


Late last year, Tesla hacker ‘Green’ found some code hinting at a Model 3 with a 100 kWh battery pack and Ludicrous mode.

While those features were found in the code, it wasn’t clear if Tesla planned to bring the configuration to production.

Now another hacker going by ‘Zeus M3’ on Twitter got access to Tesla’s factory mode and found a configuration of Model 3 with a 100 kWh battery pack.

He shared a screenshot of a Model 3 on ‘Factory Mode’:


Green confirmed that Model 3 vehicles with 100 kWh battery packs exist:

“I know they exist. I was hoping to get direct access to one soon, but it looks like you beat me to it.” He added: “I know more than this one exist outside of Tesla test labs.”

100 kWh battery pack for Model 3 is a massive increase over the current biggest Model 3 pack, which is about 75 kWh.

A 100 kWh in a Model 3 would undoubtedly result in over 400 miles of range – up from 322 miles in current Model 3 Long Range vehicles.


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